The Best Large-Breed Dogs for Apartment Living
Posted by admin on May 7, 2014
A common school of thought teaches that large dogs are simply unsuited for apartment living. While it’s true that many small breeds do well living in smaller spaces, people are often surprised to learn that this isn’t always the case. In reality, determining whether a dog can live happily in an apartment has much more to do with energy levels than size.

Despite being famous for their speed, Greyhounds don’t require as much exercise as you might imagine.
Unless an owner is dedicated to taking long walks, runs, or visiting the dog park frequently, a high-energy dog, regardless of his size, is less suited for apartment living. On the other hand, there are some breeds (even large ones) that are perfectly content with a minimal amount of daily exercise. Lovers of larger breeds take note: If you live in an apartment and don’t have time to spend hours exercising your pet each day, here are some breeds that might make the perfect match for your lifestyle.
The Greyhound
Despite being famous for their speed, Greyhounds don’t require as much exercise as you might imagine. These elegant dogs are capable of running fast over short distances, but they’re happiest living a laid-back lifestyle. Many owners of retired racing Greyhounds describe them as couch potatoes who prefer to sleep most of the day. Greyhounds are also prone to relatively few diseases and are typically easy to train, making them an even more appealing choice. Most Greyhounds are satisfied with short walks and the occasional chance to sprint off-leash (in a safe area, such as a fenced-in section of a dog park).
The English Bulldog
English Bulldogs aren’t huge dogs, but their characteristically stocky build gives them substance. Despite their somewhat intimidating appearance, members of this breed are generally quiet and not particularly active, making them ideal for living in a small space. If you decide to share your space with an English Bulldog, make sure you monitor his diet. This breed has a tendency to become overweight, so even though he won’t require frequent long walks or runs, you should still make sure your dog gets a moderate amount of regular exercise to help keep him fit.
The Great Dane
As one of the largest members of the canine world, the Great Dane might not seem like an obvious choice for an apartment pet, but this breed is tranquil enough to do well in a small space. Great Danes are often referred to as gentle giants who love nothing more than to lounge around when they’re inside. Of course, these are extremely large dogs who do need to get outside and stretch their legs a bit. Most Great Danes are satisfied with a leisurely daily walk.
If you love large dogs but live in a small space, be assured that you can find a sizable, low-energy pet that will make a great apartment companion. Be sure to do thorough breed research to ensure you choose a pet that is compatible with your lifestyle and personality.